About Store

The first boutique of Italian men's clothing, REFRAME Moscow, opened in Moscow in 2005. REFRAME Moscow is a territory of true masculine style, bringing together the corners of leading brands: Moorer and Seraphin jackets and raincoats, Atelier Portofino and Ballantyne knitwear, Jacob Cohen and Scissor Scriptor denim, Barrett and Bally shoes, Serapian and Tateossian accessories and many others. Collections are designed to guide the customer through creating a complete fashion look just within one visit. The space of the REFRAME boutique is considered to the detail: wood textures together with thematic zones generate a comfortable atmosphere, while a private fitting room area with large mirrors and soft lighting is perfect for relaxing clothes shopping.

Philosophy and concept

The REFRAME founders get the customers acquainted with the age-old craftsmen traditions, introducing them into the history of Italian tailoring. The REFRAME Moscow collections always feature quality that does not require pompous logos, timeless masculine style, as well as exclusive textile and perfect fit. When choosing a fashion look, a style consultant will tell you that Svevo polos are woven exclusively by hand using a rare technology - intarsia, when threads interlace with each other. Italian masters paint Bertolo polos for at least six days, and cloth for Atelier Portofino suits to achieve exceptional softness is soaked in large baths and dried exclusively in the fresh air. For the customers’ convenience, professional tailors are always being on day in the boutique to provide a prompt assistance in perfect fitting of a fashion item of any complexity.

Custom tailoring

One of the most requested services in the REFRAME boutique is custom tailoring as well as "made-to-measure" preferences: more than 3000 fabrics, various fittings and stylish accessories to foster self-expression. A personal manager will take measurements, help you choose the lining, fabric and style to make your ready-made suit, jacket, shirt or pants a favorite part of daily image. All fashion items are created by craftsmen in Italian factories that specialize in individual wardrobe items: suits and jackets will come from Padua, while shirts and pants will travel from Parma.

Address REFRAME: Moscow, Kutuzovskiy, 48 - «Vremena Goda» Galleries , 2 floor

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