Непреодолимая тяга. Новая студия пилатеса
26 Feb 2019

An irresistible pull. A new Pilates studio

The new Top Pilates studio has opened in Vremena Goda. Let’s discuss the reasons why this studio is so popular that even Madonna and Ilze Liepa are among its admirers.

Many people believe, that Pilates is a new trend. They’re right, but to a certain degree: this fitness system has reached Russia not so long ago. Even now, people travel abroad to become Pilates instructors. However, the system was developed by a German-American physical trainer Joseph Pilates at the beginning of the 20th century. Soon after he immigrated to the USA and founded the first Pilates studio in New York.

As a result of Pilates classes, you’ll get a fit body and a thin waist. The other reason why this system is so popular is that it’s a perfect choice for recuperation and rehabilitation following orthopedic surgeries and injuries. You must admit that the modern lifestyle is often associated with spinal disc herniation, and such practices are not only helpful but absolutely necessary.

Pilates is often practiced by people, who believe that yoga is too boring, and cardio is way too tiring. While exercising on trainers, reformers, and Cadillacs, you maintain an inner balance. Your mind is focused on doing the exercise (this is almost like meditation), while the muscles are tense and actively engaged.

It’s recommended to combine Pilates with ballet. This fitness system is called body ballet, and we offer such classes in Top Pilates. In the 20th century, this system was particularly popular in ballet circles. Ilze Liepa was among its biggest fans. Additionally, body ballet is practiced by such celebrities, as Yana Valencia, Elena Perminova, Vera Brezhneva, and Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova, who often share their achievements in Instagram. This is a very impressive and inspiring list, and we are incredibly happy to announce that now everyone can reach beauty in Vremena Goda.

Top Pilates Studio is located on the 3rd floor of the Gallery.

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